2015 MDRC annual retreat

MDRC annual retreat is scheduled for February 6, 2015. It will be held in the auditorium of the new CHUM research center, 900 St-Denis Street. Dr Philipp Scherer from the Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas is the invited speaker for the “2015 J Denis McGarry Lecture”.

Since last year the MDRC is proud to also present a major Lecture in clinical research, the “George Cahill Lecture”. Our second invited speaker is Dr Ralph DeFronzo from the Health Science Center in San Antonio. Oral and poster presentations by MDRC students and trainees are scheduled, as well as a presentation by Dr Philippe Crine, from Enobia Inc.

Please register as soon as possible through the form available here. Students and post-docs interested in giving an oral or poster presentation must submit their abstract through the same form before January 18, 2014.

The program will be available soon.

The 2015 Annual Retreat is sponsored by Merck, AstraZeneca, Novo Nordisk, Janssen, Boehringer, Sanofi, McGill University Faculty of Medicine, Réseau de Recherche en Santé Cardiométabolique Diabète et Obésité (CMDO), IRCM, Diabète Québec and CRCHUM.
